Help In Recovery

About Help in Recovery

Welcome from Chris

Hello there! I’m Chris, the face behind Help in Recovery. This space is my personal outlet for sharing insights, experiences, and support in the realms of recovery and mental health. My journey has taken me from personal battles with addiction and mental health struggles to a newfound purpose in guiding others on a similar path. This blog is a reflection of that journey.

My Personal Journey

My story isn’t just about expertise—it’s about life lived. I’ve walked the path of dealing with alcohol addiction and mental health issues, and I’ve emerged stronger on the other side. My background in data analysis has given me a unique perspective, but my true calling is in helping others find their way to recovery. This calling led me towards becoming a recovery coach—a journey I’m currently on.

The Essence of the Blog

Help in Recovery is more than just words on a screen. It’s a growing community and a beacon of hope for anyone grappling with addiction and mental health concerns. Here, I share not just my own experiences but also the collective wisdom of a community in recovery. Expect heartfelt stories, actionable advice, and a shoulder to lean on.

Why Trust Me?

My insights are born from my own experiences. Everything I share here comes from a place of having been there, coupled with the knowledge I’m gaining through my recovery coach training. My goal is to blend heartfelt advice with professional expertise to offer you support that truly hits home.

Looking to the Future

“Help in Recovery” is on a path to growth. Plans are in place to expand into areas like personalized coaching, interactive forums, and workshops, along with a wealth of digital resources. I’m dedicated to creating a comprehensive hub for recovery support, mental wellness, and holistic health advice.

Your Invitation

Whether you’re seeking a bit of guidance, some information, or just a sense of connection, you’re in the right place. Help in Recovery is all about journeying together through the ups and downs of recovery. So come join in, and let’s navigate this path together. Welcome to our community!